Sanka Rasnayaka

Teaching Assistant | Researcher
632, Ang Mo Kio Ave 4, Singapore · (65) 83742550 ·

I am a Teaching Assistant and a PhD candidate at the School of Computing in National University of Singapore.

My research is on Continuous Authentication for modern personal devices, with on-body gait biometric. I have submitted my final thesis for examination under the supervision of Prof. Terence Sim.

My teaching philosophy is to facilitating self-learning by guiding the students thinking toward the final learning outcome, rather than explaining to them how to get there. I enjoy teaching fundermental courses in Computer Science like Discrete Structures, Programming, Algorithms and specialized courses in AI, Machine Learning and Computer Vision.


Teaching Assistant | Graduate Tutor

National University of Singapore

I was involved in classroom teaching, assignment grading, hands-on programming sessions and setting and grading programming projects, setting and grading mid and final exams. Following is a list of modules I was involved in,

  • CS1231: Discrete Structures
  • CS1010E: Programming Fundamentals
  • CS3230: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CS5332: Biometric Authentication
  • CS2010: Data Structures and Algorithms II
  • TIC1201: Discrete Structures
  • SCALE Summer School: Artificial Intelligence and Future Technology
  • SWS3026: Visual Computing
2017 - Present

Visiting Instructor | Undergraduate Tutor

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

I worked as a tutor, lab instructor and grader for Computer Networks, Communication Skills and Video Production modules during my undergraduate studies.

2014 - 2016

Software Engineering Intern

WSO2 Inc.

I worked with the R Language Transform Processor for Siddhi, WSO2’s complex event processing language. I also developed the “Transport for London” Demo using TFL data streams with WSO2 CEP Geo-Dashboard, which was exhibited at the Strata Hadoop World Conference 2015, NY, USA.

2014 - 2015


National University of Singapore

Ph.D. in Computer Science
Thesis title: Continuous Authentication for Modern Personal Devices

Advisor: Prof. Terence Sim

2017 - 2021(expected)

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

B.Sc. Engineering (Honours) in Computer Science and Engineering

GPA 3.9 | 1st class

2011 - 2016

Dharmaraja College, Sri Lanka

Advance Level, Physical Science

Z Score 2.869 | 13th in Sri Lanka (top 0.2%)


Selected Publications

Conference Publications
  • [1] Your Tattletale Gait, Privacy Invasiveness of IMU Gait Data. In proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Biometrics(IJCB), USA, 2020. (pdf)
  • [2] Making the most of what you have! Profiling biometric authentication on mobile devices. In proceedings of the International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Crete, Greece, 2019. (pdf)
  • [3] Who wants Continuous Authentication on Mobile Devices?, In proceedings of the Biometric Techniques Applications and Systems (BTAS), CA, USA, 2018. (pdf)
  • [4] Generation of intermediate viewpoints for scalable adaptation of real world environments for virtual reality, IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Sri Lanka, 2017. (pdf)
  • [5] Real-time Gesture Prediction Using Mobile Sensor Data for VR Applications”,In proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC), Hong Kong, 2016. (pdf)
  • [6] Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Performance and Robustness of Image Stitching Algorithms, In proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Australia, 2015. (pdf)
Book Chapters
  • [7] Towards Wider Adoption of Continuous Authentication on Mobile Devices, Securing Social Identity in Mobile Platforms, Springer, 2020.
Full List of Publications: Google Scholar

Awards & Recognitions

  • NUS Honor List of Student Tutors - Awarded for AY 2020-21
  • NUS Honor List of Student Tutors - Awarded for AY 2018-19
  • NUS Research Scholarship - 2017-2021
  • UoM Dean’s List of Academic excellence - All Semesters
  • IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 2015 - Ranked 47th Globally and 2nd Nationally
  • IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 2011 - 2014 - Ranked top 100 Globally for four consecutive years
  • Virtusa Award - For the best Software Engineering Project
  • 2010 Best Accademic Performance - Dharmaraja College, Kandy



I enjoy music, and play the Guitar and Piano. As a hobbyist musician I have released two songs

  • "Magemai Samada", My music with vocals by my wife & me. Audio, Video
  • "Nethu Thula Siththam", College music group. Audio
I have got together with friends during my PhD to record some cover songs as well My Guitar instrumental performances Guitar 1 , Guitar 2 , Guitar 3


I dabble in a bit of scribbling and art from time to time


I enjoy fantacy and sci-fi books. My books are tracked on Goodreads


I enjoy running, cycling and exercising. My runs and rides are tracked on Strava